
The proposal mechanism is a dispute protocol. It is a swift way to remove a dishonest or faulty subnet node by consensus without having to keep them absent from consensus data for consecutive epochs so they can hit the blockchain maximum subnet node penalty count while they continue to be present in the subnet.

The Hypertensor proposal protocol is similar to the Ethereum slashing proposals or Optimism's fault-proofs.

Subnet nodes can submit a proposal with data the subnet can decode to have a subnet node removed. Only subnet nodes with the Submittable classification can propose and vote on these proposals. If a proposal succeeds, the subnet is removed.

How it works:


A subnet node finds a reason to have a subnet removed, e.g. in the subnet-llm-template, using its proof of inference mechanism, they can then submit a proposal alongside the data proving the reason why the subnet node should be removed.


  • Data: Each proposal requires a submission of data that proves the claim to remove the subnet node. This data must be able to be decoded by the subnet.

  • Bond: Each proposal requires the proposer to bond TENSOR as a monetary risk.

  • Peer ID: The peer ID of the subnet node being disputed.

  • Attestation: Each proposal requires at least 1 attestation from another subnet node. This acts as a safeguard against a possibly faulty connection or system of the subnet proposer.

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