Transfer Delegate Stake

Add and increase delegate stake


  1. Select the submit the following extrinsic and choose network in the explorer.

  2. Choose transferDelegateStake(fromSubnetId, toSubnetId, sharesToBeSwitched).

    • Choose the subnet ID transferring from.

    • Choose the subnet ID to transfer to.

    • The shares to transfer from the fromSubnetId.

    • Submit transaction.

Substrate Libraries

# convert balance to shares using the ``convert_to_shares`` function

keypair = Keypair.create_from_uri('//Alice') # replace with your mnemonic phrase

call = substrate.compose_call(
    'from_subnet_id': from_subnet_id,
    'to_subnet_id': to_subnet_id,
    'shares_to_be_switched': shares_to_be_switched,

extrinsic = substrate.create_signed_extrinsic(call=call, keypair=keypair)

receipt = substrate.submit_extrinsic(extrinsic, wait_for_inclusion=True)

Last updated