
Deactivation flow depends on the following scenarios:

  • Attested Validator Submission: You will be deactivated on the following epoch following the rewards distributions.

  • Unnattested Validator Submission: You will be deactivated immediately.

Following the deactivation, the subnet node will have 16 epochs to reactivate it.


  • The Validator classification can be deactivated only.

  • On re-activation, the subnet node will be classified as a Validator node again

python -m subnet.cli.hypertensor.subnet_node.deactivate --subnet_id [int]


--subnet_id: The ID of the subnet. This can be checked by querying the model path through the SubnetPaths storage element.

--local: (Optional) Argument for local testing to use the LOCAL_RPC environment variables.

This will:

  • This will temporarily deactivate your subnet node back to the "registration" classification.

Last updated