
Register and activate in one call.

This is useful if the subnet node can load the subnet requirements (such as loading a model) before the next epoch where the node will be included in the consensus. Otherwise, use the Register and Activate flow.

python -m subnet.cli.hypertensor.subnet_node.add--subnet_id [int] --peer_id [str] --stake_to_be_added [float]


--subnet_id: The ID of the subnet. This can be checked by querying the model path through the SubnetPaths storage element.

--peer_id: The Peer ID generated in Generate Keypair.

--stake_to_be_added: The minimum staked is 1000.00.

--local: (Optional) Argument for local testing to use the LOCAL_RPC environment variables.

This will:

  • Register and activate your subnet node on-chain and claim a subnet node slot on the Hypertensor blockchain.

  • Stake the minimum required balance.

Last updated