
Hypertensor Testnet Explorer

Learn how to create an account to use the Polkadot wallet extension for the Hypertensor blockchain.

URL: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc.hypertensor.org%3A443#/explorer

Manual Directions

  • Click the dropdown icon at the top left and click the "DEVELOPMENT" dropdown.

  • Enter wss://rpc.hypertensor.org:443 into the custom endpoint input and click the save icon that looks similar to 💾.

Example Uses


Documentation: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/blob/master/frame/balances/README.md

You can manually interact and query balance functionality.

Note: The concept of keep-alive is to ensure your account cannot go below the minimum required balance to keep your account alive which is 500/1e18 or 0.0000000000000005 TENSOR. This amount is called the Existential Deposit. The ED exists so that accounts with very small balances or completely empty do not "bloat" the state of the blockchain. This limit allows the network to maintain high performance and reduce fees.


Option 1

  • Click the "Accounts" dropdown within the menu and go to "Address book".

  • Click the "Add contact" button displayed on the right side of the screen

  • Enter the address and the display name for the address and save.

Once the address is saved, click the send button and enter the amount to transfer. To finalize the transfer, click the Make transfer button.

Option 2

  • Click the "Developer" dropdown within the menu and go to "Extrinsics"

  • Go to the dropdown "submit the following extrinsic" and select balances.

  • To the right, the selection of functions available are displayed. Click transfer(dest, value)

  • Choose dest: MultiAddress (AccountIdLookupOf) and enter the AccountId of the recipient.

  • Click "Submit Transaction"


  • Click the "Developer" dropdown within the menu and go to "Chain state".

  • Go to the dropdown "selected state query" and select balances.

  • You will find functions for querying the following

    • Getting and setting free balances.

    • Retrieving total, reserved and unreserved balances.

    • Repatriating a reserved balance to a beneficiary account that exists.

    • Transferring a balance between accounts (when not reserved).

    • Slashing an account balance.

    • Account creation and removal.

    • Managing total issuance.

    • Setting and managing locks.

Subnet Interactions (Network)

You can manually interact and query subnets data.


  • Click the "Developer" dropdown within the menu and go to "Extrinsics"

  • Go to the dropdown "submit the following extrinsic" and select network.

  • You will find functions for interacting with each subnet within the network.


  • Click the "Developer" dropdown within the menu and go to "Chain state".

  • Go to the dropdown "selected state query" and select network.

  • You will find functions for querying most of the storage elements found here.