
Each subnet must have a scoring mechanism for each node to be scored based on the percentage ownership of the rewards generated for the subnet. This allows subnets the freedom to have any architecture with no bounds.

Each subnet has a set amount of rewards based on its memory requirements that each subnet node will compete for within the subnet defined by the subnet scoring mechanism.


The DSN standard currently uses a scoring mechanism based on the percentage of transformer blocks they host.

Adding inference TPS as a weight of the scoring equation is planned for the DSN standard.

The scoring can be based on anything:

  • Speed (using a ledger, IPFS, in-subnet ledger, Hypertensor smart contracts, etc.)

  • Accuracy (using a ledger, IPFS, in-subnet ledger, Hypertensor smart contracts, etc.)

  • Roles

  • Accounting (Hypertensor accounting mechanism)

  • Ledger validation

  • Attestation accuracy (Hypertensor validator mechanism)

  • etc.

Each scoring mechanism variable should be able to be verified. For example, in the subnet-llm-template, each subnet node can verify that another subnet node is hosting the blocks the system says they are by running its POI (Proof of Inference) mechanism.


At the start of each epoch, a blockchain validator will choose a subnet validator (for each subnet) at random. This subnet validator must submit each peer's scoring.

The subnet must always be listening for this to know which subnet node is responsible for submitting the data on that epoch.

The chosen subnet validator will be rewarded based on the accuracy of the data calculated from the attestation rate.


Each subnet must submit validation data to the blockchain per epoch of the scoring of each peer.


For the submitted data to qualify for rewards in a given epoch, it must achieve an attestation rate of at least 66% from all subnet nodes.

Last updated